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In order to make sure the end product is intuitive to use and high quality, it is necessary to test its usability with the client. Therefore, a plan was made in order to explain the different tests that need to be carried out to evaluate the product.

Use scenario

In order to test whether the product works as intended a test in the use scenario is needed. Therefore, the user should be placed in a group scenario where social interaction is guaranteed such as a party. The user will then receive notifications at different times throughout the test to see how the watch will function during the scenario. Once the test has been completed the user should then rate how well the watch worked in the different scenarios, as well as give feedback. 


In order for this test to be carried out a fully functional prototype would be needed or the application would need to be downloaded onto a preexisting smartwatch.

Use Scenario

Phone/watch/website application

In order to test each application properly, the user will run through them by themselves. Once the user has tested one of the applications then will then be given a form where they can give feedback on the usability and design of the application. This will be done with questions that the user can answer with five responses (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree). The user can also give individual feedback/remarks.


Furthermore, in order to test how easy the applications are to operate, a timed exercise will be done with the user. The user will be given a set of tasks to complete such as adding a new event to the calendar or changing the preset time of the notifications. During each task the user will be timed and the times will be compared to times done by one of the team members. This should give an indication of how easy the application is to understand and use. 


In order to complete this testing there are a variety of ways to do it. Firstly, it is possible to use the Figma app mockups as they function as the application should however they are harder to use than using a fully functional app. Secondly, another method, would be to use a wizard of oz style of testing, where the user can interact with the interface however there would be a moderator then generating all the responses to the users actions. Lastly, would be to have a fully functional application and to then have the user test that. However, this is not feasible in the time span of the project and therefore wouldn’t be used.


Physical watch

In order to test the actual watch a prototype would be given to the user to simulate the real thing. Then the user can wear the watch for a couple of days in order to see how the watch feels when wearing it for a long period of time. Afterwards the user will give feedback on the different aspects of the watch such as size, shape, and weight of the watch etc.

Physical watch
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